Textbook donations

• Wayamba, Sri Lanka and Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria •
• 2019 & 2023 •

• In Partnership with Imperial College London School of Medicine •

The Issue

As most medical textbooks are published elsewhere, importing them to Sri Lankan and Nigerian medical schools is often expensive. This means that many medical students will have to share a relatively small number of often outdated books, thereby hindering their development.

The Project

We shipped over 400 textbooks that were donated by medical students at Imperial College London to two medical schools: Wayamba medical School, Sri Lanka, and Afe Babalola Medical School, Nigeria. These books will be used to donate to students most in need and to create a library for all students to access as required.

This project was completed in collaboration with Imperial College London School of Medicine. Learn more about them by clicking the button below.

The Outcome

The books have been well received by the medical schools and we have received feedback from the schools that the books are used by students to complement their degrees.

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