Our talented team of writers will be keeping this page updated with interesting articles on everything from global health to personal growth. This is a great place to explore interesting topics in the world of medicine and beyond!
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Emerging Global Health Threats: Preparedness and Response
In today's interconnected world, disease knows no borders. A new infection can spread from a remote village to a major global metropolis within days. As global air travel continues expanding, unprecedented population growth and climate change exert new pressures,...
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Should I Do The MRCP?
Introduction You’ve done it! You’ve graduated from medical school after battling through dozens of arduous exams and can now confidently call yourself ‘Doctor’. As it turns out, you can’t learn all of medicine in 5-6 years and it is a constant work in progress....
Undoctored by Adam Kay: Review
2022 has been a fantastic year for Adam Kay fans. The year kicked off with the release of the BBC TV series adaption of Kay's first book and best seller, "This going to hurt". Featuring the brilliant Ben Whishaw and sensational Ambika Mod, the series was an emotional...
Peregrine Falcons Making Hospitals Their Home
It's not every day that you spot a peregrine falcon feather on your way to a 9 am Cardiology lecture. Damp, bedraggled yet quietly resplendent it was lying there on the second step from the top of Charing Cross Hospital's Entrance. Having seen posters, videos and...
How to Maximise Your QIP
What is a QIP? So you’re thinking of doing a QIP, what next? Quality improvement is the framework used to systematically improve processes and systems, particularly in healthcare and medical systems. Quality improvement (QI) aims to make a difference to patient...
The Power of Studying Together
In medical school, we are constantly bombarded with a barrage of content. Overwhelmed and overworked, we are often left drowning in a sea of lecture slides and anatomy flashcards, trying to battle our way to the surface through increasingly long nights and even more...
How to Approach Information Giving OSCEs
What is the information-giving station and how is it different? In your clinical years in UK medical schools, you will begin to encounter more difficult and varied OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) stations. Whilst preclinical stations may be mainly...
Founder’s 5 Best Books of 2022
Over the last 3 years, I have developed a keen interest in reading. I was a teenager that was repulsed by the sight of books and never quite understood why anyone would ever read a book instead of opting for more digestible packages of the same information such as a...
3 Challenges Every Start-Up Leader Will Face
Make a Medic started off as a rag-tag student society with relatively flimsy leadership on my part. I am pleased to say that it has since become a well recognised medical education charity with a global audience. Once a small organisation starts to gain momentum,...
An Alternative and Highly Effective Tip to Conquer Clinical Exams
This is not a tip that I have, in any way, kept secret throughout my time at medical school. In fact, it is a tip that I’ve emphasised in countless talks and seminars that I have delivered to younger medical students. Nonetheless, it is a tip that largely goes ignored...
A Surprising Explanation for the ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ Attitude in Modern Medicine
Being a doctor is a universally respected vocation. The title of ‘doctor’ that we pin to the start of our names from the day that we leave medical school carries with it connotations of working long, hard hours and making numerous personal sacrifices for the...
3 Life Changing Tips from the Best Book I Ever Read
Being asked ‘what is the best book you’ve ever read?’ is a difficult and multifaceted question to contend with. Are you talking fiction or non-fiction? Entertainment or attainment? In this case, I am going to define the ‘best book’ as the book that has most...
The Best Resource for Learning Anatomy
Anatomy is one of those ‘love it or hate it’ topics. Generally speaking, visual learners love it and conceptual learners hate it. Furthermore, the sheer volume of anatomical structures, insertions, origins, innervations and functions can make learning anatomy seem...
1 Universally Neglected Habit That Is Holding You Back
Most people have a tumultuous relationship with sleep. When we are young, our sleep is the centre of our parents’ attention (perhaps as it is the only point in the day that they get some respite), then we get vilified for being lazy teenagers who wake up at noon and,...
3 Books That Will Help You Better Understand The World
Books are a distillation of a huge amount of expertise that can be consumed in a matter of hours. It is a potent vector for the transfer of information that provides a huge return on investment. Whether you read for enjoyment or self-improvement, you will likely have...
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